Spikes, Dice, and Other Variables

by Harper Kinsley

Life is over for Riley McMahon.

Well, it isn’t really, but when you’re the star setter of the volleyball team and on the brink of academic ineligibility, the actual end of Everything™ feels closer than you think. Terrified of failing math and losing her spot on the team, she’s desperate to do anything to save her grades.

Which is why when Simon, the shy, fat boy in her math class offers to help Riley out, she’s quick to say yes. But Simon’s a nerd. And Riley’s a jock. And she’s certain that he’ll stop tutoring her as soon as he realizes how much of a lost cause she really is.
So, naturally, she’ll join the school TTRPG club to impress him, show him she’s cool, and make him like her enough to stick around.

But as they spend time together, Riley realizes she might feel something… different towards Simon. Something other than friendship. Riley’s been avoiding relationships her whole life, and as her friends start to notice her not-so-platonic feelings for Simon, she’s forced to admit why: she’s uncomfortable with the idea of sex, which seems to be all anyone can think about in relationships. Balancing her own fears against society’s expectations, Riley must figure out what matters most to her, and how to let everyone else’s expectations go.

Trigger Warnings: Childhood bullying and harassment of a person with disabilities (mention), ableism, fat-shaming, aphobia and homophobia.

About Harper Kinsley

Harper Kinsley is an author, educator, and lifelong Midwesterner with a deep love of storytelling. When not writing novels, she enjoys creating stories through TTRPGs as the resident Forever DM and dabbling in whichever hyperfixation craft has most recently sparked her interest. She lives with her partner and the trash goblin in her house that she also calls her cat.

Harper can be found on Instagram at @harperkinsleyauthor