We Deserve to Exist
A Sci-fi, Fantasy, Horror Anthology
We will not be silenced.
The world has mistaken human rights for privilege. Fear, jealousy, and anger fuel the actions of those who wish to assert their power and eliminate those they deem unworthy.
There will come a time of reclamation — whether by force or by empathy — when those tides shift, a balance reborn. It must start somewhere. The reclamation of self, of culture, of heritage, and of our world — starts within. No longer will those around us decide if we deserve to exist.
14 Stories
What Remains by Allison Baggett-Rowe
Depression in the Backseat by Joris Filipp
Whispered Navajo by Bernardo Villela
Sleep Tight by Tyler Wittkofsky
Hell of a Mind, Heaven of a Mind by Rashmi Agrawal
Bone Mother by Daphne Fama
No Mother of Frankenstein by Tessa Hastjarjanto
The Last Flame by Marisca Pichette
An Apology to Light by Emmie Christie
Hunahpu by Claudia Recinos
A Dawn Less Dark by Kevin Mack
People Like Us by Jennifer Lee Rossman
Our Lady of Silence by Christina Ladd
The Four by Akua Lezli Hope
About We Deserve to Exist
Genre: Adult Sci-fi, Fantasy, Horror Anthology
Pages: 340
ISBN Paperback: 978-1-952969-22-5
ISBN Ebook: 978-1-952969-10-2
Released: March 7, 2023

About Dakota Rayne
Dakota has a passion for helping others and telling stories. After over fifteen years in social work, Kota decided to combine their passions into Inked in Gray, the indie press that seeks stories that need to be heard. Kota is working on works of their own – blending life experiences with the surreal in The Lessons We Keep, and musings about mental health, survival, and overcoming darkness. Kota is also CFO of the amazing nonprofit known as WriteHive. You can find Kota causing chaos on Twitter and Medium.

About Sangy Vazquez
Sangy is a writer and streamer.