To Love is Deadly

Trigger Warnings for death, gore, and violence.

Outpost 9106 was a space transport station at the far end of the galaxy. Candace, Travis and the rest of the crew had 15 minutes remaining. Then they were going to go home. Retire. See the beach.

Their last transport malfunctions. The Avealus Gate that provides power to the station collapses and something stumbles in. Candace and Travis soon realize they are trapped inside the outpost as a shapeshifting monster hunts them down. Travis and Candace clash over the best plan of action. Travis struggles to ensure the survival of their friends, loved ones, and the crew, while Candace schemes a plan where the monster can never escape to harm anyone else, but no one on the outpost can leave.

Trigger Warnings: Blood, gore, violence, homophobia, and death. This is a horror novel and contains many common horror elements.

About Lawrence J West

Lawrence J. West grew up on horror, science fiction, and fantasy stories. He was exposed to them early (his mother read him Stephen King’s IT when was 5) and this exposure has influenced every aspect of his life. After reading Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde at the age of 7 he decided he wanted to be an inventor when he grew up. He would design flying cars, and fancy versions of computers, but as he grew up he began to attach stories to these inventions, create worlds inspired by Blade Runner, Alien, and even The Lord of the Rings to go along with them, and eventually the love for world building and storytelling won out over his love of mathematics and science (though these never went away).

To call him a nerd or a geek would be an understatement. He enjoys video games (primarily RPG’s), anime, manga, reading, LARPing, and so much more. He has even begun collecting and playing Warhammer 40k. Many of these passions are things he shares with his wife and partners, and is working to pass them along to his son too. Lawrence is also very active in both the LGBTQIA+ and Polyamory communities in his local area.