Molly McKitrick

Molly grew up in Lorain, Ohio with dreams of being an author. With her head always stuffed in a paperback, she started to jot her own ideas in composition notebooks. After passing the journals to her friends for elementary feedback, Molly knew she wanted to make this dream come true.

After finishing her Bachelor of Arts in English from Bowling Green State University, Molly found herself working in business administration. She also wrote for a local newspaper on the side, promoting artists and creatives in her area, but quickly realized that the traditional nine-to-five didn’t work with her plans. Molly quit her administrative job to work at a salon and went into a vocational program to become an esthetician. With over ten years in the industry, Molly now runs her own spa, makes her own hours, and has created a life where there’s plenty of time for make believe.

Molly is a member of the Pitch to Published writing group, the International Writers Association, Writing Away Refuge, and Literary Cleveland. Molly founded and runs a private critique program, currently running two separate groups called The Alpha-Bets. Our goal is to work on both alpha and beta reads to better our manuscripts. In 2016, Molly self-published a children’s book titled The Messy World of Little Miss Molly. This story took off and she eventually made it into a series of four books that have all done well. In 2021, Molly released her debut horror novel, The Alvah, which was well received but unfortunately the press closed. However, it was during the release that she realized women’s fiction and romance were where she saw herself on the bookshelves. Molly has since focused all of her time writing exclusively in these genres. Born and bred in Northeast Ohio, she enjoys writing about her area, connecting all of her manuscripts, and giving a voice to what some may consider the side character. Molly is currently working on three projects and reside near Lake Erie with her husband, two Great Danes, and their perfect cat.

I love stories that get me so invested, I can’t wait to wake up and read. Haunting characters, great dialogue, and heart-pounding tension that makes me stay up just to get another chapter in before bed. Manuscripts that stay with me long after I finish the last page.

I would love to see stories that grip my heart. I also love a good twist to the genre. One that I don’t see coming, but when it hits, I leap from my chair in excitement with the characters. I tend to connect best with character-driven tales that draw me in, make me giggle, and leave me rooting for them. And, if I’m being completely transparent and honest, I’m a sucker for a good villain. If you write this character well, odds are you’ll have me in the palm of your hand. I won’t apologize for it either.

Tropes I can never get enough of would be forced proximity, opposites attract, and enemies-to-lovers. This is what I tend to write so I gravitate toward these in reading as well. I could go on and on about all the things I like and don’t like, but at the end of the day, if the writing is strong, if the characters come to life on the page, and you take me on a wild ride, odds are I’m going to love it and become your biggest fan!

Molly McKitrick


Associate Editor, Romance

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