Bookish Gifts for Readers
If you’re looking for a gift for a reader in your life, here are some great suggestions from Evren, blogger at Nonbinary Knight Reads and Reviews. If you like their recommendations, consider giving them a follow on their blog and social media!
Pride Bookmarks
Shop: Shop Gigi and Bo
I love finding bookmarks that match the books I’m reading and this collection has 6 options that allow me to match with many of my books!
Plus, I just really love a laminated bookmark so I don’t have to worry about tearing it.
PLA Libraries - Heart of Every Community Shirt
Shop: Ala Graphics
I don’t know about everyone else, but throughout my life I’ve spent a lot of time in libraries. Everything from the events to the books I can borrow to the bookstores in my local libraries. I adore libraries deeply and I own a couple of shirts to show my support of them!
Books from Pango Books
Shop: Pango Books
This website features a bunch of people selling their used books online. You can find so many books here, including ones that you may have never even heard of. It’s one of my favorite sites whenever I’m trying to find some more used books or find that one specific book to finish my collection. (I don’t know if you want to include it but there are also promo codes for first-time buyers. I even have one of my own!)

Moonlighters by Anita Kelly
Shop: Anita Kelly Writes
I love this book. It’s technically three novellas in one book. The novellas feature an M/M relationship, an F/F relationship, and an F/NB relationship. It’s three great stories featuring different romances in one nice package.
Lexa Luthor’s Books
Shop: Luthor Publishing
I love this author because she’s one of very few I know of who writes F/F Omegaverse SFF books! It’s definitely a specific niche, but the books are also very well-written and if a reader is looking for something new to try it’s worth checking out.
If you’ve enjoyed these recommendations, please check out Evren’s blog, Nonbinary Knight Reads and Reviews or follow them on social media!
About Evren the Nonbinary Knight
Evren the Nonbinary Knight has always loved reading and collecting books. After a few years in a reading slump, the COVID quarantine reignited their love of books. This time they found that they preferred to read queer books that they didn’t have available to them when they were younger. When the new year started, they began to review these books and posted about them on their blog and Instagram. This has been one of the best decisions of their life and has led to them finding new books and connecting with authors and readers in a way they couldn’t before.