Graphic for Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are it has a black background with a grey hand holding a knife and the title text is in red over it

A Scream Queer Horror Anthology: Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

Our newest collaboration is with Kapri Psych to bring you a Scream Queer Anthology: Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are!

We’re looking for stories centered around the created world of Ravenscar. This is a loosely built world in which submitted stories should occur. We do ask that you be open to slight changes such as building names so that all stories align. We will not expect you to know everything about the world, and feel free to be as creative as you want!


WELCOME TO RAVENSCAR! A small town with nothing, but a few local shops still standing in decrepit buildings, a diner and a cafe with nosy locals, a church surrounded by empty graves, a nearby cul de sac full of empty houses and lingering screams, blood splatters in every nook and cranny of the only public and private school, an old plaza full of stores that look empty during the day, a library housing lost articles and footage of vanishing tourists in the basement, a strange beach on the edge of the woods, and a camp ground where several teens have gone missing over the years.

There are many questionable mysteries and secrets in Ravenscar, as well as many untold legends and accounts. That’s where you come in!

We are looking for short stories (3-4k), based on the theme—scream queers. What does that mean? Queerness has molded and defined horror for a long time (look at Clive Barker, the director of Hellraiser for example), but to this day harmful queer stereotypes are still being used. Playing off the scream queen trope, your narratives will continue to break this mold rather than conform to it. Use your words, your characters, to embrace your identity and stand front and center. Let readers see themselves in your stories!


Submission Details

Submission Period: May 27, 2024 to August 12, 2024

Theme: All stories should be set in or around Ravenscar in a different time period. This is an interconnected anthology.


  • Please include all trigger warnings, even if only mentioned and not described on the page (ie: References to alcoholism, but character does not drink on the page).
  • Absolutely NO AI
  • Please give us diversity! Mental health rep! Fat rep! Visible and invisible disabilities! Anything and everything!
  • Stories can blend any sub genre of horror.
  • Not interested in heavy sci-fi, fantasy, detailed erotica, explicit rape/abuse scenes

Who Can Submit: **International submissions accepted. **

Submissions must be in English. See further story guidelines below before submitting.

Word Limit: Up to 4,000 words. There is no minimum word count

Genre: Horror

Age: Upper YA & Adult

Payment: $50 per piece 

Rights: First edition exclusive anthology rights for the first six months of publication

**All Submissions and anthology communications will be managed by Dakota Rayne and Kapri Psych. Initial confirmation, acceptance emails, and publication-related emails will come from Inked in Gray Press. Upon acceptance, editing feedback will come from Kapri Psych

Please submit your work at the link below The anthology will be printed and published by Inked in Gray Press. Inked in Gray Press is considered the publisher and sponsor of the anthology.

Submission Guidelines

  • ONLY previously unpublished works
  • One submission per author
  • Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but please let us know if the work is accepted elsewhere
  • Include as attached .doc (or .doc compatible format) please for ease of visual accessibility.
  • NO AI-written stories (ProWritingAid/Grammarly usage okay)

What to Include with Your Submission *Please read carefully*:

  • A 3 – 5 sentence bio with social media links
  • Short blurb

Have a story ready? Click below to submit **Opens May 27, 2024 and closes August 12, 2024**

Questions? Email Kota at: or Kapri at

Happy writing! We can’t wait to read all of your stories!

A simple text-based graphic that reads, "With love and yet another corny pun, -Inked," written in a cursive font against a plain white background. The message exudes warmth and humor.

1 thought on “A Scream Queer Horror Anthology: Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are”

  1. Pingback: Fast Approaching Submission Deadlines For You – General Fiction | The intangible world of the literary mind

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