Title and Author: We Deserve to Exist Anthology by various authors:
Allison Baggott-Rowe, Joris Filipp, Bernardo Villela, Tyler Wittkofsky, Rashmi Agrawal, Daphne Fama, Tessa Hastjarjanto, Marisca Pichette
Emmie Christie, Claudia Recinos, Kevin Mack, Jennifer Lee Rossman, Christina Ladd
You can learn more about the authors here
Cover Reveal: Nov 19, 2022
Release Date: March 2023
Estimated ARC release: Early December 2022
Genre: A collection of science fiction, fantasy, and horror
Trigger warnings: violence, death, mental health, substance abuse
Blurb: The world is not kind. It never was. Fear, jealousy, and anger fuel the actions of those who wish to assert their power and eliminate those they deem unworthy. There will come a time of reclamation—whether by force or by empathy—when those tides shift, a balance reborn. It must start somewhere. The reclamation of self, of culture, of heritage, and of our world starts within. No longer will those around us decide if we deserve to exist.
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